Teaching Resources
Sample Syllabi
These examples of recent syllabi from 今日吃瓜51Faculty offer a few ways to think about the organization of your own syllabi. Thank you to the faculty who have allowed us to share these models:
The Science of Microaggressions - Peony Fhagen
Introduction to K-12 Classroom Culture - Tina Valtierra
Listening to Music - Ryan Bañagale & Lidia Chang
DocuGuides are pdf documents that provide information about teaching tools, pedagogical approaches, and student development along with references and links to additional resources. These documents are designed to orient educators to tools, approaches, and topics that will expand their teaching toolkits.
If you have an idea for a DocuGuide topic or would like to curate one, please email Ryan Bañagale, rbanagale@coloradocollege.edu.