Ed. Development Days
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The CCT relies on the internal expertise of faculty, staff, and students for educational workshops or information sessions in all areas. If you would like to offer a workshop or make a suggestion for one, please complete this and the CCT director will contact you.
AY 23-24 End of Year Development Day
Building Into The Future
Friday, May 17 - 9am - 4pm (Tutt Library Event Space, 2nd Floor)
This day-long gathering is open to all faculty and staff with a desire to engage the ways we prepare our students to enter the lives, careers, and communities they will engage after college. Through presentations, discussions, and workshops, we will consider ways we currently approach world readiness at 今日吃瓜51and how we might authentically connect such preparation to curricular elements across our liberal arts curriculum. Our guests will be Christina Rader and Lora Louise Broady from Economics and Business and Corina McKendry from Political Science and Environmental Studies. Our keynote facilitator will be Ashley Finley, the VP for Research and Senior Advisor to the President of AAC&U.
Session Descriptions:
Panel Discussion: World Readiness in Action
The Crown Educator Development Day commences with a dynamic panel discussion that introduces a few of the ways we currently approach world readiness across the liberal arts curriculum at CC. This session highlights how faculty members undertake such work across various academic levels and disciplinarily fields and considers how we might develop a framework for articulating such endeavors. Examples shared encompass foundational work in first-year writing courses (Ryan Bañagale, Music), client-consulting projects that fuse academic theory with real-world application (Christina Rader and Lora Louise Broady, Economics and Business), and senior capstone experiences that prepare students for professional success (Corina McKendry, Political Science and Environmental Studies).
Mini-Workshop with Ashley Finley: Linking Learning, Life, and Career to Become World-Ready
At a time of enormous change in higher education and the world, a liberal arts education holds more promise than ever in preparing students to navigate a future steeped in uncertainty and complexity. The blend of cognitive and affective development through foundational commitments to broad and applied learning is exactly what students need in the coming years and decades to become world-ready. The challenge in delivering on this potential, however, is in creating authentic connections between curricular learning and career readiness in ways that situate existing curricula with new imperatives for students’ self-discovery, purpose, and inquiry. Participants will be invited to reflect on how assets within and across courses can be leveraged to develop opportunities for more intentionally connecting liberal arts goals and experiences with empowering students to envision what it means to be world-ready in their lives, careers, and communities.
Afternoon Workshop with Ashley Finley: Let’s Get Real: Practical Pilots and Other Strategies for Exploring Curricular Innovation
This workshop will draw upon the big ideas of the morning session to focus on practical strategies for advancing goals. We will focus our time on addressing the following questions: What are approaches for aligning assignment design with intended learning goals? How can meaningful assessment be employed to ensure assessment tools match the questions being asked about students’ learning and career readiness? How can the commitment to providing high-quality experiential learning be actualized across experiences such that equity and access are expected, rather than assumed? Through collaboration and dialogue, the outcome of this workshop is for each participant to leave with at least one actionable strategy that can be incorporated into an upcoming block.
The Crown Educator Development Day commences with a dynamic panel discussion that introduces a few of the ways we currently approach world readiness across the liberal arts curriculum at CC. This session highlights how faculty members undertake such work across various academic levels and disciplinarily fields and considers how we might develop a framework for articulating such endeavors. Examples shared encompass foundational work in first-year writing courses (Ryan Bañagale, Music), client-consulting projects that fuse academic theory with real-world application (Christina Rader and Lora Louise Broady, Economics and Business), and senior capstone experiences that prepare students for professional success (Corina McKendry, Political Science and Environmental Studies).
Mini-Workshop with Ashley Finley: Linking Learning, Life, and Career to Become World-Ready
At a time of enormous change in higher education and the world, a liberal arts education holds more promise than ever in preparing students to navigate a future steeped in uncertainty and complexity. The blend of cognitive and affective development through foundational commitments to broad and applied learning is exactly what students need in the coming years and decades to become world-ready. The challenge in delivering on this potential, however, is in creating authentic connections between curricular learning and career readiness in ways that situate existing curricula with new imperatives for students’ self-discovery, purpose, and inquiry. Participants will be invited to reflect on how assets within and across courses can be leveraged to develop opportunities for more intentionally connecting liberal arts goals and experiences with empowering students to envision what it means to be world-ready in their lives, careers, and communities.
Afternoon Workshop with Ashley Finley: Let’s Get Real: Practical Pilots and Other Strategies for Exploring Curricular Innovation
This workshop will draw upon the big ideas of the morning session to focus on practical strategies for advancing goals. We will focus our time on addressing the following questions: What are approaches for aligning assignment design with intended learning goals? How can meaningful assessment be employed to ensure assessment tools match the questions being asked about students’ learning and career readiness? How can the commitment to providing high-quality experiential learning be actualized across experiences such that equity and access are expected, rather than assumed? Through collaboration and dialogue, the outcome of this workshop is for each participant to leave with at least one actionable strategy that can be incorporated into an upcoming block.
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