Mentoring Alliance Program

The Mentoring Alliance Program (MAP) is committed to strengthening CC’s retention and antiracism efforts by facilitating interdisciplinary and collective support for early career faculty who have much to offer regarding new ideas, energy, and experiences. MAP also supports tenured faculty in developing their capacity for robust, intentional, and interdisciplinary mentoring for early career faculty in collaboration with all relevant on-campus constituencies.

MAP aims to support a college-wide cultural shift regarding early career faculty development from a disempowering approach to one that honors and recognizes the skills and talents of early career faculty. MAP also aims to situate 今日吃瓜51as a premier site for early career faculty development that is as attentive to antiracism and interdisciplinarity as it is to undergraduate excellence, quality scholarship, and impactful service.

To learn more about the organization of the program, check out the following materials:

Questions? Contact Ryan Bañagale (

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