Faculty Fellows Program

2025-26 Faculty Fellows Program

Call for Applications



The Faculty Fellows Program supports the professional leadership development of 今日吃瓜51 faculty members by providing opportunities to administer and collaborate on cross-campus academic-related initiatives. Fellows build project-based leadership experience while strengthening institutional engagement. For the 2025-26 academic year, we anticipate hiring five Faculty Fellows (outlined below) to direct the following areas: 

  • College Transitions Program: Bridge Scholars 
  • College Transitions Program: Teaching Excellence 
  • College Transitions Program: Student Engagement 
  • Crown Center: Mentoring Alliance Program 
  • Crown Center: Instructional Coaching Program 

Eligibility & Expectations 

The program is designed for mid-career faculty, although faculty at any level are welcome to apply. In addition to the individual programmatic work of each position, Faculty Fellows will participate in blockly cohort leadership meetings convened by the Director of the Crown Center for Teaching and the AVP for Student Success for discussions, development, and mentorship. Although the schedules of each position will vary, the total expected time commitment throughout the year is equivalent to that of a block of teaching and a part-time leadership role. 

Accordingly, Fellows will receive a stipend of $8,000. Alternatively, they may receive a 1-block course release (arranged in consultation with the Fellow's chair) and a $2,000 stipend. Fellows will be exempt from elected faculty service during their term and will also have the opportunity to attend one position-related conference each year. Fellows are expected to serve a term of 2-3 years. 


Application Instructions 

Interested faculty should submit the following materials to rbanagale@coloradocollege.edu:  

  • Cover Letter: Address your interest in the position(s), detailing relevant experience and alignment with program goals. Applicants to the Bridge, MAP, and IC positions should have former experience teaching, convening, or coaching within the respective program or equivalent other experience. Faculty may apply for multiple positions; please provide a separate section for each role explaining your interest. 
  • Curriculum Vitae 

Submission Deadline: First Friday of Block 6: February 21, 2025 

Notification: Offers will be made before Spring Break. 

For questions or further information, please contact Ryan Bañagale, Director of the Crown Center for Teaching: rbanagale@coloradocollege.edu 


Available Positions 


College Transitions Program: Bridge Scholars Fellow 

The Bridge Scholars Program is a year-long program that offers a welcoming community, supportive mentoring, and engaging and challenging coursework for first-year students. Bridge Scholars arrive on campus two weeks before the start of New Student Orientation and enroll in a rigorous two-week intensive interdisciplinary course to experience the student-centered 今日吃瓜51classroom, learn about the supportive network of campus resources, work closely with student mentors and faculty mentors, and engage in a vibrant community of fellow scholars. The Bridge Scholars Fellow: 

  • Sustains program development, operation, and evaluation to broaden and deepen its educational impact on 今日吃瓜51students. 
  • Recruits and coordinates faculty instructors each year, communicating and guiding course development and updates. 
  • Connects with faculty, staff, families, and alumni to enrich the ecology of relationships central to the program, including serving as a liaison with the admissions office and academic departments across campus. 
  • Oversees budget planning and management, including coordination with finance office and advancement.  
  • Collaborates with College Transitions Program to establish a balance between curricular and co-curricular opportunities as well as to recruit, hire, train, and supervise Bridge student mentors.  
  • Participates in blockly College Transitions department meetings. 


College Transitions Program: Teaching Excellence Fellow 

The Teaching Excellence Fellow contributes to enhancing pedagogical practices and faculty development across the Bridge and First-Year Program, working as part of Office of Academic Programs leadership team to create cohesive learning experiences that support student success. The Teaching Excellence Fellow:  

  • Collaborates with program leadership to shape curriculum, support faculty, and promote inclusive practices and teaching excellence.  
  • Enhances pedagogical practices across the Bridge Scholars and First-Year Programs through workshops and individual consultation. 
  • Contributes to faculty recruitment and selection for these programs. 
  • Partners with campus academic support services to integrate student resources. 
  • Participates in blockly College Transitions department meetings.  
  • Assesses effectiveness of student learning outcomes. 
  • Maintains a presence during the summer Bridge program. 


College Transitions Program: Student Engagement Fellow 

The Student Engagement Fellow contributes to initiatives that enhance student academic and social engagement both in and outside the classroom across the Bridge and First-Year Program, working as part of Office of Academic Programs leadership team to promote active student participation in academic and campus life, working in close partnership with academic and student affairs units. The Student Engagement Fellow: 

  • Develops and implements academic and social engagement programs for students in transition and strengthens student community engagement beyond the Bridge and First-Year experience. 
  • Supports the integration of academic orientation into the First-Year Program. 
  • Coordinates co-curricular activities supporting student success.  
  • Organizes and facilitates blockly group advising for first-year Bridge Scholars  
  • Collaborates with faculty and staff to provide deliberate pre-major advising pairings for Bridge Scholars 
  • Connects students with research opportunities early in their college experience.  
  • Participates in blockly College Transitions department meetings  


Crown Center for Teaching: Mentoring Alliance Program Fellow 

The Mentoring Alliance Program (MAP) is committed to strengthening CC’s retention and antiracism efforts by facilitating interdisciplinary and collective support for early career faculty who have much to offer regarding new ideas, energy, and experiences. MAP also supports tenured faculty in developing their capacity for robust, intentional, and interdisciplinary mentoring for early career faculty in collaboration with all relevant on-campus constituencies. The Mentoring Alliance Program Fellow: 

  • Administers and oversees the MAP, including recruitment and hiring of MAP conveners and cohort assignments. 
  • Develops and runs orientation, training, and check-in sessions for new and returning mentors and mentees at the outset and through the year.  
  • Develops mentoring modules for scaffolded faculty professional development. 
  • Participates in Blockly Crown Center for Teaching meetings 
  • Assesses program effectiveness aimed at developing and implementing opportunities to strengthen the program. 

Crown Center for Teaching: Instructional Coaching Fellow 

The Instructional Coaching (IC) Program supports educators in developing anti-oppressive pedagogical practices. Through one-on-one coaching, faculty collaborate to enhance teaching strategies, focusing on inclusivity, effective instruction, and pedagogical experimentation.  The Instructional Coaching Fellow: 

  • Administers and oversees the IC program, including recruitment and hiring of coaches as well as assigning coaching pairs. 
  • Develops and runs orientation, training, and check-in sessions for new and returning coaches and coachees at the outset and through the year.  
  • Provides departmental, cohort, and additional peer-to-peer coaching. 
  • Maintains and updates CC's Inclusive Pedagogical Observation Protocol (IPOP) used for coaching observations. 
  • Participates in Blockly Crown Center for Teaching meetings. 
  • Assesses program effectiveness aimed at developing and implementing opportunities to strengthen the program. 
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