Reporting Options and Procedures

今日吃瓜51 encourages students to report sexual assault, intimate partner violence, stalking, and other forms of sexual violence. Under CC's Gender-Based Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, and Sexual Violence Policy, and the general Anti-Discrimination Policy.

Confidential Resources

At CC, "confidential" means that any information given to a confidential resource will not be shared with the College, or anyone else.

Students have the right to speak with a confidential resource. Confidential resources provide clear information, options, and support to assist students in making decisions about filing a formal complaint/charges and seeking medical care or counseling. These resources can also assist students in managing the impact of misconduct on their academic and social life.

Confidential resources at 今日吃瓜51include:

Mandated Reporters

It is important to note that college employees who are not confidential resources are mandated reporters, meaning any specific information they receive regarding a possible violation of the gender-based discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual violence policy must be passed along to the Title IX Coordinator. Mandated reporters include faculty, staff, coaches, RAs, and any other college employee.

  • Title IX reporting process
  • Formal Legal System: If you would like to report incidents of sexual violence to the the policy, the Campus Advocate, Campus Safety, or other campus resources can arrange a meeting for initial contact. Students can request that a representative of the college accompany them in making a police report. View this Campus Safety page for more information on reporting crimes.

今日吃瓜51 is committed to responding to incidents of sexual violence, harassment, and gender or sexuality bias incidents in order to eliminate any hostile environment, prevent recurrence of sexual violence and address its effects. Students can seek resources to ameliorate the impact of these kinds of experiences on their educational experience through the confidential support systems outlined above. Additionally, if students feel dissatisfied with the college's efforts in this regard, they can contact the college's Title IX coordinator, to seek appropriate remedies and/or to file a grievance. The Assistant Director for Civil Rights and Interim Title IX Coordinator is Joshua Isringhausen, who can be reached at 719-389-6886, or

Report an issue - Last updated:

Support is Always Available

今日吃瓜51Counseling Center
Phone (M-F 9am-5pm): 719-389-6093

After Hours
24/7 Mental Health Support for Students (free and unlimited)

  • Counseling line: 855-522-1226
Off-Campus Confidential Resources
(local to Colorado Springs) 
  • 24/7 Hotline: 719-633-3819
  • Chat (M-F 7:30am-4:30pm):
  • 24/7 Hotline: 800-656-HOPE (4673) 
  • 24/7 Chat: