
In addition to programs and events, the WRC also carries out a number of prevention and education initiatives to engage the campus community on topics like sexual violence, mental health, and substance use. Here you'll information about some recent and ongoing projects.

Time to Ungrind


The need to grind can be very real, which makes it all the more necessary to pause and take care of ourselves along the way. 今日吃瓜51 joins colleges and universities across Colorado in the Time to Ungrind campaign, which emphasizes disruption “grind” or “hustle” culture to establish a new paradigm which balances individual achievement with holistic wellness.  

今日吃瓜51students are known for making the most of their days by filling their schedules with sports, jobs, internships, adjunct classes, student organization meetings, and workouts – all while trying to stay socially connected and maybe getting in some skiing on the weekends. Time to Ungrind seeks to make wellness a priority – to make room for habits that nurture the body and the mind within the very active and engaged lifestyle of a student.

To learn more about this campaign, check out and visit our workshops and programs page to see what upcoming Time to Ungrind related activities.

Social norms campaign

Every two years, college campuses across the United States participate in comprehensive assessment of student health. The American College Health Association -National College Health Association Assessment (ACHA-NCHA) is a nationally recognized research survey that collects precise data about students’ health habits, behaviors, and perceptions.  

今日吃瓜51students were surveyed in Spring 2023. From that data we have selected a few important data points to highlight because they demonstrate the healthy behaviors 今日吃瓜51students already engage in and opportunities for growth and connection.  

Review social norms data and related resources below. Source: National College Health Association (NCHA) III Spring 2023, n=152


今日吃瓜51 social norms data 2023 - 2025

88% of 今日吃瓜51students practice using coping skills 
  • Some examples of coping mechanisms you can try are reaching out to friends and family, staying active, maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, journaling, and taking time for personal hobbies. Healthy coping skills are a great example of internal resiliency students use to overcome setbacks and challenges.
  • If you would like support developing your coping skills contact us here at the Wellness Resource Center!

60% of 今日吃瓜51students feel they belong on campus 

  • Adjusting to life at 今日吃瓜51can be challenging. Finding community and spaces for comfort takes time. If you are looking for opportunities to make connections talk with your RA and check out these campus offices offering student gatherings and groups:  

64% of students report using mental health services in the past 12 months. 

It is wonderful that students are seeking help and using the many available mental health resources at 今日吃瓜51and the wider community! If you are interested in exploring available resources: 

 If you need mental health support or want to explore available resources, there are lots of caring people on and off campus you can turn to:   

  • Talk to a professional at the college that you trust. Some good people to start with include staff at the Wellness Resource Center, the chaplain’s office, faculty, Residential Life Coordinators, and RA’s.  

  • Seek off-campus counseling services through the Thrive database () or search your insurance website to find a local provider. 

  • is available by phone for emergencies, and for scheduled telehealth sessions. Services are free for students. 
  • If you are involved in athletics, you can connect with mental health providers through the athletic department. Speak to your coach or athletic trainer for more information.    

73% of 今日吃瓜51students report getting an average of 7 -9 hours of sleep. 

  • Everyone is different, but the general recommendation is for 7-9 hours of sleep per night.  

  • Want help with your sleep skills? Or do you just need an eye mask and some ear plugs? Visit the Wellness Resource Center on the 2nd floor of the Yalich Student Services Center. 
Of 今日吃瓜51students who drink, 69% consume 1-4 drinks in social settings.   
  • One drink of alcohol is defined as a 12 oz. can or bottle of beer or wine cooler, a 4 oz. glass of wine, or a 1.5 oz. shot of liquor straight or in a mixed drink. It's important to be aware of the standard drink size to maintain awareness of your BAC (blood alcohol content)   

  • When consuming alcohol, it is best to make a plan and stick to it! Go with a friend, decide how many drinks to have, and look out for others. 

  • Check in on your alcohol use with this free and confidential screener: 

60% of 今日吃瓜51students have never tried tobacco or nicotine delivery products (cigarettes, Juul, or other vape products, water pipe or hookah, chewing tobacco, cigars, etc.)

  • If you or someone you know uses tobacco or nicotine, you can learn more about the impacts of tobacco and nicotine use, as well as learn about strategies and resources for quitting at or calling 1-800-QUIT-NOW 
  • If you are trying to cut back or quit your tobacco/nicotine use, contact us at the WRC for cessation resources and counseling opportunities. 

87% of 今日吃瓜51students report they've never used cocaine.

  • If you use cocaine, please follow to avoid overdose and other potential risks. More information on safer cocaine use:  

  • The WRC also has fentanyl testing strips available, which can detect the presence of fentanyl (a harmful and potentially fatal drug) in cocaine and other substances. The WRC also has Narcan which can reverse an opioid overdose. Stop by to pick these items up and ask the staff for help if you need help learning to use them.

    If you are concerned about cocaine use or interested in learning about safer cocaine use for yourself or someone you know, please reach out to the Wellness Resource Center for support.  

For more information on safer substance use: Substance use education: Our Approach

85% of 今日吃瓜51students rate their health as good, very good, or excellent.  

87% of 今日吃瓜51students have visited a health care provider in the last 12 months. 

71% of 今日吃瓜51students have been vaccinated for HPV (Human Papillomavirus)

  • We love to see students taking care of and advocating for their own health!  

  • On campus, the Student Health Center is available for your health needs. They provide screening, evaluation, and treatment recommendations for injury, illness and other medical conditions, physicals, gynecological services, immunizations, travel medicine and more! For more information visit Student Health Center or call (719) 389-6384.

  • Interested in learning more about your sexual health? Reach out to the Wellness Resource Center or the Student Health Center or call 719-389-6384  
  • If you use the Student Health Insurance Program, you can look for available providers and covered services in the latest brochure: Student Health Insurance 

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