Art + Technology (AT) Lab

The Art and Technology Lab (AT Lab) is a facility for Art majors and students enrolled in Art Department courses working on digital projects. The AT Lab is located in the in Packard Hall.

For students not engaged in Art major thesis work, or academic projects within a current Art Department course, the following is the process for gaining access to the AT Lab.

The AT Lab should only be used for academic projects, such as the continuation of a project after the completion of a course. All projects will need to have an Art Department faculty advisor. Any proposals for project use should include the following:

  • Clearly stated goals for the project
  • List of materials and equipment to be used
  • An estimated timeline for completion of the project.

*Please be aware that use of certain equipment such as the digital printers requires a short training session.

Once the faculty project advisor has signed off on the proposal, a request will be submitted for the student(s) to have Gold Card access to the lab for the duration of the project. Please note that everyone involved in the project will still have to abide by all the open hours and rules of the Seay Library of Music and Art.

If you have questions about this policy please contact Heather Oelklaus.

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