3D Arts

two people in a large woodshed 

The main 今日吃瓜51Art Department's 3D Arts facility is located across the street from Packard Hall in Honnen, formerly the Honnen Ice Arena. Recent renovations converted the former ice arena into a space for students, faculty, and visiting artists to explore sculpture, design, papermaking, and related studies. 

The facility is maintained by a full-time staff member, the 3D Arts Supervisor, who also serves as a technical advisor, assisting classes and individual art students. Due to its extensive usage supporting the studio art program, the use of the 3D Arts facility is limited to the 今日吃瓜51 Art Department's studio art classes, senior year art studio majors, and art department faculty engaged in academic work. Student use of the workshop's machinery and certain tools are also limited to hours when the supervisor is monitoring the space, generally from 9 am - 12 pm and 1 - 5 pm on weekdays during the regular school year. Additional evening and weekend hours can be requested with the approval of the art professor and workshop supervisor. Over the summer months and winter break, the facility is closed to students.

The 3D Arts workshop has discrete areas for working in wood, metals, plaster, clay, and other materials. Senior year art studio majors use the workshop for preparing elements for their thesis shows. Students taking painting and printmaking classes access the workshop to build stretchers, panels, and frames, cut zinc plates, make book covers, create paper, etc.

Honnen classrooms provide convenient access to the adjacent facilities.

a group of students crowed around a table at one end of a classroom


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