Advising at CC

今日吃瓜51 uses a dual advising model, meaning that students are assigned two advisors during their academic career at the College. Although there are some overlapping responsibilities of both advisors, each advisor has a different vantage point on the student experience at 今日吃瓜51and students are welcome to meet with either advisor at any time.

If you are ever confused about your official advisors, you can find them listed on .

Professional Staff ("Hub") Advising

When students enter the College they are assigned a professional staff Hub advisor based on their academic interests as indicated through the admission process. Unlike a student’s faculty advisor, a student’s assigned Hub advisor works with them for the duration of their 今日吃瓜51academic career.

Hub advisors provide holistic advising support, meaning that they help students identify academic and personal goals, and create educational pathways to meet those goals that include both curricular and co-curricular opportunities and resources. They also advise students on course selection, and ensure students understand and adhere to College academic policies.

Hub advisors also offer academic coaching to students who are interested. To learn more, visit this page.

To change your hub advisor, please complete the following steps:

  1. Identify your new advisor, and ensure they have agreed to be your new advisor.

General Faculty Advising

Incoming students are also assigned a general (pre-major) faculty advisors based on their academic interests as indicated through the admission process. Students work with their general faculty advisor until they declare their major, at which time they are assigned a departmental faculty advisor.

General faculty advisors provide developmental and curricular advising. As teachers at the College, faculty advisors have a deep understanding of the demands and expectations of learning on the block, and are well versed in the General Education curriculum and the overall College requirements. They are also uniquely qualified for consultation with students about majors within their academic division and how those majors lead to graduate school and professional pathways.

While students can request a meeting with their general faculty advisor at any time, they are required to meet with their faculty advisor at least once per semester during the pre-registration period.

To change your pre-major advisor, please complete the following steps:

  1. Identify your new advisor, and ensure they have agreed to be your new advisor.

Departmental Faculty Advising

Once a student enters an academic department by declaring a major, their faculty advisor shifts to a departmental (major) faculty adviser. How a student is matched to a departmental advisor varies by department. Questions about individual departmental processes should be directed to the Department or Program Chair.

Although a student’s Hub advisor will remain with them throughout their time at CC, a departmental faculty advisor is best positioned to answer student questions regarding major requirements, opportunities for independent work or directed study, study abroad in the context of the major, plans for a thesis or capstone, among others.

While students can request a meeting with their departmental faculty advisor at any time, they are required to meet with their faculty advisor at least once per semester during the pre-registration period.

To change your departmental major or minor advisor, please complete the following steps:

  1. Identify your new advisor, and ensure they have agreed to be your new advisor.
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