Mental Health Resources
There are many resources available outside the Counseling Center for students. For confidential help, students may talk to the chaplain at 719-389-6638 or to the Campus Advocate (formerly SARC) at 719-227-8101.
It may be helpful to speak with a counselor at the Counseling Center about what support may be needed and they can direct students to specific services.
Resources and Support
Referrals to off-campus therapists are done on an individual basis. Please make an appointment to discuss an off-campus therapist with a counselor at the Counseling Center, 719-389-6093.
The following is a list of other Colorado Springs resources:
- : 719-573-5020
- Peak View Behavioral Health Hospital: 719-444-8484
- Cedar Springs Psychiatric Hospital: 719-633-4114
- Pikes Peak Suicide Prevention - 888-885-1222
- 719-473-8477
- Colorado Crisis and Support Line: 844-493-8255
- Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance Colorado Springs (Support Groups): 719-477-1515
- Eating Disorder Center of Colorado Springs (part of EDC Denver); 866-771-0861
- Eating Recovery Center of Denver: 877-711-1796
- Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault-TESSA: Crisis Line: 719-633-3819 General Information: 719-633-1462
National Support Services
24-Hour National Suicide Prevention/Mental Health Crisis Lifeline
800-273-TALK (800-273-8255)
The Jed Foundation - Mental Health and Suicide Prevention for College Students- 212-647-7544
Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation for Substance Abuse Treatment - 800-257-7810 Treatment facilities are nationwide
Trevor Project Lifeline at 1-866-488-7386 for immediate help- for LBGTQ
HBCU Center for Excellence in Behavioral Health, Morehouse School of Medicine 866.988.HBCU (4228) For African American College Students