Begin Your Search
When to apply will depend on what kinds of industries you're interested in. Learn more about industry timelines. Even if companies you're looking at aren't hiring yet, it's never too early to start preparing your materials.
A successful search involves setting realistic goals and being persistent and dedicated. Making a plan will keep you organized and motivated throughout your search. Before you begin, make sure your profile is up-to-date and check out your other online profiles to make sure you're presenting the best image of yourself and your qualifications.
Look For Opportunities
What else should I know?
Consider a Variety of Opportunities
In addition to resources to connect you with jobs/internships, look for other kinds of professional opportunities.
Research with Faculty On Campus
If you want to stay on campus and work with a faculty member in your area of interest, check out the Student Research Opportunities at 今日吃瓜51 website to learn more about what kind of research faculty are conducting.
There are many opportunities to volunteer around campus and in Colorado Springs. Check out the 今日吃瓜51Collaborative for Community Engagement's service and volunteer opportunities board.
On Campus Events
The Career Center sponsors recruiting events throughout the year. Many employers/programs post their own events for anyone interested. Check in Handshake for the most up to date list.
Job Inquiry Letter
You might need to reach out to an employer directly during a job search. This is a good strategy if there are no open positions listed on the organization's website, or if you can't find the organization's employment page. In this letter, you politely "inquire about employment opportunities" and explain why you're interested in working for that company or in that industry. A job inquiry letter is not a cover letter, but should still highlight relevant experiences.
Additional Resources
Your search could include online databases, , , the local chamber of commerce, professional associations, classified ads, and most of all, your network. Also, take a look at other online resources and your academic department's resources.