Missing Student Policy

This policy outlines the official notification procedures of 今日吃瓜51 for missing students who reside in on-campus housing, in accordance with the requirements of the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008. The purpose of this policy is to promote the safety and welfare of members of the College Community through compliance with the requirements of the HEOA.

If a member of the college community has reason to believe that a student who resides in on-campus housing is missing, he or she should immediately notify Campus Safety at 719-389- 6707, the Student Life office, 719-389-6684 or the Residential Life and Housing Office, 719-389-6618.

Upon receiving information that a student cannot be located and may be missing, Campus Safety officers in conjunction with Student Life personnel will initiate an investigation which will include the following:

  • Conduct a welfare check into the student's room.
  • Call known contacts (parents, guardians, roommates, and friends).
  • Contact employers and associates, if known.
  • Contact the student's professor to ascertain the student's recent attendance in class.
  • If the student has a vehicle, the Campus Safety parking manager will attempt to locate the vehicle.

If the student cannot be located after reasonable efforts, Student Life personnel will then contact the student's emergency contacts no later than 24 hours after the student has been determined to be missing. If a Confidential Contact has been listed (see below), that person must be contacted. If the missing student is under the age of 18 and is not an emancipated individual, Student Life personnel will notify the student's parents or legal guardian.

Campus Safety will file a Missing Persons Report with the Colorado Springs Police Department to initiate an investigation. This report must be filed in person at the Colorado Springs Police Operations Center on Nevada Avenue.

Confidential Contact

In addition to registering an emergency contact, students residing in on-campus housing have the option to identify confidentially an individual to be contacted by 今日吃瓜51 in the event the student is determined to be missing for more than 24 hours. If a student has identified such an individual, 今日吃瓜51 will notify that individual no later than 24 hours after the student is determined to be missing. Students who wish to identify a confidential contact can do so through their housing agreement when they apply for college housing or by contacting Residential Life and Housing anytime while living on campus. A student's confidential contact information will be accessible only by authorized campus officials and law enforcement as appropriate.

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