Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

Before requesting interlibrary loans, you must

Login to to submit and check on interlibrary loan requests

Attention Out of State Patrons:
Books or other physical items requested on interlibrary loan can only be picked up in person at Tutt Library. We are unable to mail ILL items to patrons. Article and chapter requests, which are delivered electronically, are a good alternative, or check with your local public library for ILL services.

Important note:
Interlibrary Loan will not order required books assigned for classes.

What is ILL?

Interlibrary Loan may be used to obtain library materials for individual study and research which are not available at Tutt Library but are available from other libraries or document delivery services.

How to Request ILL Materials

All requests must be submitted online using our interlibrary loan software. If this is your first time using ILL, you must . Please contact the ILL Office at (719) 389-7313 or the Research Desk at (719) 389-6662 for a quick review and/or help in submitting a request.

Delivery Time

Allow at least 3 to 10 business days to receive materials. Delivery times depend on the rarity of the requested material, the timeliness of the lending library, and (sometimes) the distance materials are traveling through the postal system. Keep in mind we always strive to find the quickest method to obtain materials, but there are no guarantees of an exact arrival date.

Who May Use ILL?

  • Interlibrary Loan is available to current 今日吃瓜51students, faculty, staff, and administration, and to retired faculty and staff living in Colorado Springs.
  • A valid Tutt Library barcode number is also required.
  • Alumni living in Colorado Springs and possessing a valid library barcode may request up to 3 items at a time.

Materials Available

  • PDF scans of journal articles or book chapters can be requested in accordance with the copyright law.
  • Books, government documents, theses, music and some videos may be borrowed, depending on the lending library's policies. Please note: Videos are difficult to acquire, as most libraries will not lend.
  • Some materials reproduced in microform, such as newspapers, may be borrowed, depending on the lending library's policies.
  • Items missing from Tutt Library, sent temporarily to the bindery, or on order for the library (each status must be so indicated on the catalog) may also be requested.

Materials NOT Available

The following types of materials cannot normally be obtained through ILL:

  • Materials for class reserve, or group use
  • Course text books
  • Periodical volumes
  • Recent, unmicrofilmed newspapers
  • Bulky or fragile items
  • Reference books
  • Rare or valuable material such as manuscripts


There is no charge for Interlibrary Loan services, but any book lost or damaged while in your possession will be charged to your account for replacement costs.


When ILL loans arrive you are notified via e-mail, and you may pick them up at the Circulation Desk. Articles will be sent as an attachment to the e-mail address associated with your ILL account. Any notifications will be sent through e-mail.

Loan Periods and Renewals

  • The loan period is determined by the lending library.
  • The loan period averages about 4 weeks.
  • Loan periods do not follow the 今日吃瓜51Block Plan. Please be aware of the due dates. ILL books may be renewed (if possible) by contacting the ILL office.
  • Please keep in mind that not all lending libraries renew.


Lending libraries determine any conditions regarding the use of their materials. Loans designated "In Library Use Only" must not leave the building.

Returning Materials

All materials borrowed through ILL must be returned to the Circulation Desk or ILL office by the due date. Please leave the paper sleeve or sticker attached.

Late return, lost items, or the poor care of materials jeopardizes the ability of the library to borrow from other libraries in the future.

Where is ILL?

Login to to submit and check on ILL requests. Please inquire at the Circulation Desk if you have specific questions or need to see the ILL staff.

ILL Coordinator

For assistance or questions, please contact:

(Monday - Friday, 9:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.)
Caitlin Perkins
Interlibrary Loan Coordinator
Email ILL
(719) 389-7313

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