Race, Ethnicity, and Migration Studies

The program in Race, Ethnicity, and Migration Studies (REMS) is an interdisciplinary program that offers students an opportunity to engage in the examination of ethnicity and race and their systematic relationship with class, gender and sexuality as they appear in all facets of American culture and society. Political, social, and economic relationships as well as cultural and artistic expressions are all important to REMS as students examine the nature of power, social inequality, and social change. It serves as a focal point for the study of race and ethnicity through a comparative, transnational, and interdisciplinary lens.

REMS Thesis Presentations 2023

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Contact Us

Sandi Wong
Director of Race, Ethnicity and Migration Studies
14 East Cache La Poudre Street
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Tel: (719) 389-6237

Tiffany Moore
Academic Administrative Assistant
14 East Cache La Poudre Street
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Tel: (719) 389-6909