How to Declare a Major or Minor
When declaring a major or minor students should do the following:
- First, seek out an advisor in the department - ask the professor that you would like to work with to be your advisor.
- Second, work through your transcript with that professor, filling out the Registrar's Office online , and if they agree, listing them as your advisor.
- Third, submit the form online; then the Registrar will send the completed form to your Philosophy advisor and to the Philosophy Department Chair for their approval.
- Fourth, celebrate - you will be in good company now!
When declaring a minor, follow the same steps but complete the Registrar's Office online .
To enroll in a major with emphasis when first declaring a major in Philosophy, complete the Registrar's major declaration form online, indicating the relevant major with emphasis. Students who have already declared the regular Philosophy major should download, complete, and return to the department chair the Declaration of Emphasis in Philosophy form. In that latter case, the department will make arrangements with the Registrar to update the student's transcript to reflect the major with emphasis.
Finally, as a courtesy, be sure to let any previous advisor know if you are changing a major or advisor, or adding a minor and minor advisor.