Seminar Archive

Block 3
Dr. Jesύs Peña, Visiting Professor, 今日吃瓜51, Department of Organismal Biology & Ecology
Something Old, Something New: Insights on Fungal Developmental Toolkits in an Early-diverging Fungus
Half Block
Dr. Heather Page, Assistant Professor, Sea Education Association
Coral Reef Conservation: Understanding Ecosystem Response to Climate Change
Block 7
Dr. Emily Mooney, PhD,  Associate Professor, UCCS, Department of Biology
Insect Abundance in the Anthropocene: Insights from Diverse Colorado Study Systems

Block 4
Dr. Roxaneh Khorsand, Ph.D., Visiting Assistant Professor of Organismal Biology and Ecology, 今日吃瓜51
The effects of experimental warming on plant-pollinator interactions and floral rewards in the Alaskan Artcic
Dr. Katie Becklin, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Biology, Syracuse University
Examining climate change impacts through the lens of plant-soil feedbacks 
Dr. Melissa DeSiervo, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Wyoming
Examining spatial and temporal drivers of change in populations and communities
Dr. Jennifer Han, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Entomology, Washington State Univeristy 
Can fungi help save the honey bee 
Dr. Emily Heffernan, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biology and Environmental Studies, New College of Florida 
From population genetics to pathogens: Studies on endangered butterflies and preserving biodiversity 
Half Block 
Dr. Peter Pellitier, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Fellow, Stanford University
The forest microbiome in a changing climate: a fuctional traits perspective
Block 6
Dr. Maybellene Gamboa, Ph.D., Visiting Assistant Professor of Organismal Biology and Ecology, 今日吃瓜51
Evolutionary inferences for wildlife management in a changing world 

Block 7
Dr. Rachel McCoy, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Purdue University
Insights into plant metabolism using biochemistry and machine learning

Block 4
Dr. Rachel Jabaily, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Organismal Biology and Ecology, 今日吃瓜51
The Evolution of Life History in Bromeliaceae
Block 6
Dr. Kelly Shepherd, Senior Research Scientist, Western Australia Herbarium
Exploring Western Australian wildflowers: a snapshot of species discovery and conservation across a vast and floristically diverse region
Dr. John Kartesz, Director, Biota of North America Program (BONAP)
Digital North American Floristics at Your Fingertips

Block 3
Dr. Ben Carter, Professor of Biological Sciences, San Jose State University
Top-down and Bottom-up approaches to understanding plant species and their distributions
Block 3
Dr. Rachel Jabaily, Assistant Professor of Biology, Rhodes College
Making sense of botanical biodiversity through time, space, and shape
Block 4
Dr. Erika Hersch-Green, Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences, Michigan Technological University
The role of hybridization, polyploidy, and global environmental changes in the evolution and diversity of flowering plants
Block 5
Jamie Micciulla, Greenhouse and lab coordinator of 今日吃瓜51
Using soil protists for targeted delivery of agricultural payloads in the shizosphere

Block 1
Dr. Kyle Wittinghill, Visiting Professor, 今日吃瓜51 Department of Organismal Biology and Ecology
Modeling Riverine Nitrogen Processing at Multiple Spatial Scales
Block 3
Dr. Nick Brandley, Visiting Professor, 今日吃瓜51 Department of Organismal Biology and Ecology
Through the eyes of the beholders: Physiological Asymmetries and the Evolution of Black Widow Coloration
Block 6
Dr. Candace Galen, Professor of Biological Sciences, University of Missouri
Shifting baselines and changing partners: ecological and evolutionary responses to climate change in a high alpine ecosystem
Block 7
Dr. Emily Mooney, Assistant Professor of Biology, University of Colorado - Colorado Springs
Why do we have a green World? Herbivory and harvest in native plant species

Block 3
Alyssa Gehman (former 今日吃瓜51student), University of Georgia
Parasitism from the Savanna to the Savannah
Block 4
Dr. Robin Tinghitella, University of Denver
Understanding the roles of behavior and ecology in rapid evolutionary change
Block 6
Dr. Tobin Hieronymus, Northeast Ohio Medical University, College of Medicine
Inside the feathers: The structural underpinnings of avian wing shape and function
Block 7
Dr. Joshua Ginsberg, President of the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
Roaring back? A fragile global recovery of large carnivores and what it tells us about conservation
Dr. Dan Sloan, CSU Fort Collins
Cytonuclear co-evolution under extreme mitochondrial mutation rates

Block 1
Dr. Stephanie A. Schittone, adjunct faculty at Araphahoe Community College and visiting professor in the 今日吃瓜51 Biology Department
Nerovirology: viruses get in but the brain fights back
Block 2

Dr. Michael Huston, professor in the Biology Department at Texas State University - San Marcos
Dirt is Destiny: Environmental Controls on Ecology, Evolution, Economics, and Human Cultural Diversity

Block 3

Dr. Boyce Drummond, visiting professor, Biology, 今日吃瓜51. Also affiliated with: (1) the Denver Museum of Nature and Science; (2) Research Associate in Zoology; Colorado State University; (3) Faculty Affiliate in Bioagricultural Sciences and Research Associate, Gillette Museum of Arthropod Diversity; Florida State Museum; and (4) Research Associate, McGuire Center for Lepidoptera Research.
Life on the Edge: Population Ecology of the Pawnee Montane Skipper Butterfly

Block 4

Claire Birkenheuer, PhD student, Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Pathology, College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Colorado State University
Retroviral-induced tumors in wild animals and their importance

Block 5

Dr. Shannon Murphy, Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Denver
Insect-plant interactions in a changing world: how insects form associations with novel host plants

Block 6

Dr. A. Malcolm Campbell, Professor of Biology and Director of James G. Martin Genomics Program, Davidson College.
Re-engineering natural selection with synthetic biology.

Block 7

Dr. James D. Murdoch (Jed), Assistant Professor of Wildlife Ecology, The Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources, University of Vermont.
Carnivore conservation in a changing world - challenges and opportunities

Block 1

Joe Koke, 今日吃瓜51, Department of Biology
DNA aptamer technology and Cancer Therapeutics: the silver bullet?

Block 2

Dr. Paul Lombroso, Child Study Center and Neurobiology and Psychiatry, Yale University
How we learn . . . and how we don't: One STEP at a time

Block 3

Dana M. Garcia, Department of Biology, Texas State University-San Marcos.
Working on the Night Movements: cAMP as an extracellular signal in the retina.

Block 4

Joaquin Espinosa, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Early Career Scientist, Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology, University of Colorado at Boulder
The War on Cancer in the XXI Century: A Report from the Trenches

Block 5

Sarah Kane, Colorado State University-Fort Collins, Program of Molecular, Cellular, and Integrative Neurosciences.
Astrocytes, Cell Signaling, and The Makings of a Graduate Student.

Allyson Hindle,UC Denver, School of Medicine, Department of Cell and Developmental Biology.
Weddell seals of Antarctica: a model species for field physiology.

Block 6

Martha Bhattacharya, Washington University, St. Louis, Department of Developmental Biology.
Using Fruit Flies to Understand Neurodegenerative Disease

Thursday, March 28. (Block 7). Bruce Byers, Independent Consultant.
Title: Integrating climate change and biodiversity conservation: perspectives from a practicing ecologist.

Block 7

Jessica Metcalf, University of Colorado, Boulder
The Journey of Cutthroat Trout in Colorado

David Epel, Professor Emeritus, Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University
Ecological developmental biology: integrating epigenetics, medicine, and evolution.

Block 2

Dr. Phoebe Lostroh, Department of Biology, The 今日吃瓜51
Starvation in a Bacterial World

Dr. Brian Vandenheuvel, Department of Biology, Colorado State University-Pueblo
Insights into the evolution of an actinorhizal symbiosis through new genome sequences

Dr. Jeremy Bono, Department of Biology, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Adaptation and Speciation in Cactus-Breeding Drosophila

Block 3
Liesl Peterson Erb (今日吃瓜51'04), Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Colorado at Boulder
Climatic drivers of American pika (Ochotona princeps) distribution and population density
Block 4

Dr. Terri Holzen, Department of Biochemistry/Molecular Genetics, University of Colorado School of Medicine Aurora
Genetic interaction of the RAD53 checkpoint protein kinase with histones is important for DNA replication

Dr. Charles Sullivan, Department of Biology, Grinnell College
Lens Induction: More than meets the Eye . . . Ear, Nose and Throat

Block 5
Dr. Andrew Subudhi, Department of Biology, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Cerebral Oxygenation at High Altitude: Implications for Exercise Performance
Block 6
Dr. George Wittemyer, Department of Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Biology, Colorado State University
Insights from a long term study of a long lived species: population structure and demography of African elephants
Block 7
Dr. Shehnaz Hussain (今日吃瓜51Alumnus), School of Public Health, University of California, Los Angeles
Molecular Epidemiology of Infection-Associated Cancers
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