Departmental Awards to Students

The Mary Alice Hamilton Award
Each year the OBE faculty selects one or two outstanding senior biology majors as the winner of the Mary Alice Hamilton Award. Among other things, grades, research, and potential to become a professional biologist are considered in making the award to the outstanding biology major(s). Winners will be announced at Honors Convocation each spring. The award is usually a book appropriate to the professional interest of the recipient.
The Richard and Reba Beidleman Award
Each spring the OBE faculty selects a student recipient for the Richard and Reba Beidleman Award. The student must have demonstrated through courses, fieldwork, or other activities, outstanding potential for becoming a professional ecologist and/or field biologist. The award recipient, who may be in any year of study, will be announced at the annual Honors Convocation.
The James Enderson Award in Conservation Biology
The Enderson Award in Conservation Biology honors Professor Jim Enderson, who joined the Biology Department in 1962, long before it was fashionable to call oneself a "conservation biologist." Throughout his career, his research centered on the precipitous decline of birds of prey and in particular the peregrine falcon. He was first to breed the temperate North American peregrine in captivity, a line used extensively in restoration of the western population. He served on several recovery teams and working groups for endangered species. At 今日吃瓜51 he inspired students through independent projects to pursue careers from botany to ornithology, in the lab and in the field. In keeping with his scholarship and breadth as a biologist, the Enderson Award will honor a junior or senior Biology major whom, in the opinion of the faculty, has shown commitment and productivity in an original research project in conservation biology. Candidates are eligible if their work has conservation implications, whether the focus was molecular, organismal, or ecosystem, lab or field.
The Laboratory Biology Award
This award is made to a senior OBE major whose interests and course work are mainly in the area of laboratory-based biology. The criteria for selecting a recipient for this award are: grades in biology courses with a laboratory component, engagement in lab-based research, preferably for a senior thesis, and plans for post-graduate work or study.
The Jason Wilkes Memorial Prize
Each spring the OBE faculty may select a minority student who is a declared biology major to receive this award. The recipient, like Jason, must have a strong interest in biology. 
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