Chemistry & Biochemistry
The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at 今日吃瓜51
has played a central role in the life of the college since its founding in 1874. Originally a department invested in the mining business, it has grown to house a full range of chemistry specialties with faculty in analytical, biochemical, environmental, inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry. It maintains an active program that provides American Chemical Society Certification to almost a third of its majors each year.
The department makes innovative use of 今日吃瓜51's unique Block Plan academic calendar in which students enroll in a single course for each of eight three-and-one-half-week periods termed blocks. Each of the department's eleven full- and part-time faculty are actively engaged in collaborative research projects ranging from new methods for chemical education to the synthesis of new drug candidates based on natural products.
Mission: As an inclusive community, we leverage the chemical sciences to promote scientific inquiry through interdisciplinary, experiential learning, and research.
Vision: We aspire to create diverse and inclusive communities that contextualize the chemical sciences within both a liberal arts education and broader worldviews. We will innovate and apply evidence-based solutions for health, environmental, social justice, and other emerging local and global challenges.
See our Shared Community Values