Student Rights and Responsibilities

III. Rights and Responsibilities

今日吃瓜51 is a special place and it is a privilege for our students to be a part of our community. With this privilege comes not only additional responsibilities but also procedural rights. The following list of rights and responsibilities is intended to reflect the philosophical basis of the College's Student Community Standards and Conduct Procedures.

Student Responsibilities

  1. Students at 今日吃瓜51 have the responsibility to respect the rights and property of others, including other students, faculty, staff, the College, or members of the Colorado Springs community.
  2. Students have a responsibility to engage with others in ways that are non-discriminatory.
  3. Students have the responsibility to be fully acquainted with the Student Community Standards as well as all other polices of the College and to comply with them along with all Federal, State, and Local Laws.
  4. Students have a responsibility to maintain a standard of behavior consistent with supporting the educational and learning environment of the College while demonstrating the institutional values of Honor, Integrity, and Respect.
  5. Students have a responsibility to comply with all lawful directives of faculty and staff at the College, to be honest when engaging with faculty and staff, and to treat all members of the College community with respect and dignity.

Student Rights

  1. Students have the right to have their rights and property respected by others, including other students, faculty, staff, the College, or members of the Colorado Springs Community.
  2. Students have the right to participate in the free exchange of ideas as outlined in the College's Freedom of Expression Policy.
  3. Students have the right to participate in all areas and activities of the College free from any form of discrimination. More information can be found in the College's Anti-discrimination Policy and Procedures.
  4. Students accused of violating the Student Community Standards have the right to a fundamentally fair process as outlined in the Conduct Procedures, which includes:
    • The right to receive timely notice of the allegations made regarding their conduct, what policies that conduct may have violated, and a reasonable amount of time to prepare for a conference;
    • The right to a presumption that the student is not responsible until it is determined by a preponderance of the information that a violation occurred;
    • The right to a timely conference, without unreasonable delay;
    • The right to have their case heard by an unbiased individual or group of individuals;
    • The right to present information and provide witness statements, provided that the witnesses have firsthand, factual knowledge of the alleged behaviors or violations;
    • The right to confront and challenge all information which lead to charges, including the right to review any reports prior to the conference;
    • The right to remain silent throughout the conduct process, to not self-incriminate, and to not have their silence held against them;
    • The right to have a support person or process advisor present for all meetings concerning alleged violations, additional information about the right to a support person is outlined in the Conduct Procedures;
    • The right to an appeal as outlined in the Appeals section of this document.
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