Definitions and Jurisdiction
II. Definitions
For the purposes of 今日吃瓜51's Student Community Standards and Conduct Procedures the following definitions apply.
- Accountability: Refers to the process by which a student acknowledges or is assigned responsibility for behaviors which have harmed the community; and through which the student agrees to, or is asked to, take steps to repair those harms and/or mitigate future harms.
- Alleged Student: Any student charged with an alleged violation of a policy.
- Administrative Panel: A type of community standards conduct conference which involves two to three specially trained college staff members authorized to determine whether an alleged student has violated college policy(ies) and which may impose sanctions up to and including Dismissal.
- Charge: Refers to an allegation of a potential violation of a policy. Charges are issued after the Community Standards and Conduct Manager has determined sufficient information exists to hold a conference or panel to determine whether a student (or students) has violated a policy (or policy).
- College Official: Refers to all faculty, staff, or other employee of the College
- College Premises: Includes all land, buildings, facilities, and other property owned, leased, operated, supervised, used or controlled by the College, including all adjacent streets and sidewalks.
- Conference: A process which provides an opportunity for an opportunity for an alleged student to respond to a specific charge or The purpose of a conference is to determine if a preponderance of information to support the charges, and if so to determine the appropriate sanctions or sanctions. Conferences may include one on one meetings with a Residential Life Coordinator or the Community Standards and Conduct Manager, a Student Community Standards Panel, an Administrative Panel, or a Restorative Justice Conference. One on one meetings with a Residential Life Coordinator or the Community Standards and Conduct Manager may impose sanctions up to and including Disciplinary Probation.
- Faculty: Any person hired by the College to conduct classroom, teaching or research activities.
- Hearing Body: Refers to the individual or group of individuals charged with issuing a decision in a Conference. This may include a Residential Life Coordinator, the Community Standards and Conduct Manager, a Student Community Standards Panel, or an Administrative Panel.
- Hostile Environment: Refers to a situation in which an individual's actions, statements, or behaviors are severe, persistent, or pervasive enough to create a work or educational environment that a reasonable person similarly situated would consider intimidating or abusive on the basis of a legally protected status. The determination of a hostile environment must be based on the cumulative totality of all circumstances surrounding the alleged actions, statements, or behaviors.
- Illicit Drugs: Refers to "controlled substances" as defined in Schedules I through V, Section 202 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. Section 812) and related regulations (21 C.F.R. 1308.11 through 1308.15) as amended, and/or in Title 18, Article 18, Part 2 of the Colorado Statutes, as amended.
- May: This term is used in the permissive sense.
- Member of the College community: Any person who is a student, faculty, or staff, or any other person employed by the College or by a company contracted to provide services to the College.
- Organization: Any group of people who has a membership of primarily 今日吃瓜51 students including but not limited to academic, athletics, recreational, religious, performance, political, or social. While all recognized student organizations are considered organizations, the college may identify groups of students who are not formally recognized by the College as an organization for the purposes of this policy.
- Policy: Refers to any behavioral expectations contained within The Pathfinder, including but not limited to those set forth in the Student Community Standards. These policies should be read broadly and are not designed to define prohibited conduct in exhaustive terms.
- Retaliation: Any adverse action taken against another person in response to a good faith report of a violation being reported to the College, or for participating in any proceeding related to the investigation or resolution of a report.
- Sanction: Refers to the responses or requirements set in place by the College for a student who has been found responsible for a policy violation through a conference.
- Shall: This term is used in the imperative sense.
- Staff: Refers to any person who is employed by the College that is not defined as faculty.
- Student: Any person who has accepted their offer of admission, and/or who is taking courses at the College, either full-time or part-time, and who are either currently enrolled or were enrolled the previous block and are registered for a future block. Individuals who withdraw after allegedly violating a policy, or who are not officially enrolled but who have a continuing relationship with the College are considered to be students.
- Student Community Standards Panel: A type of community standards conduct conference which involves two specially trained student and one college staff members authorized to determine whether an alleged student has violated college policy(ies) and which may impose sanctions up to and including Suspension.
- The College: Refers to 今日吃瓜51
- Vice President for Student Life/Dean of Students: The person designated by the College President to be responsible for the administration of the Student Community Standards and Conduct Procedures. The Vice President for Student Life/Dean of Students may assign a designee/designees to meet these responsibilities.
III. Jurisdiction
By accepting admission to and enrolling at 今日吃瓜51, students are obligated to conduct themselves consistently with the values of 今日吃瓜51, the Student Community Standards, other 今日吃瓜51 policies and procedures, and all applicable laws. The Student Community Standards and Conduct Procedures, as well as other applicable 今日吃瓜51 policies and procedures shall apply to all conduct that occurs on College premises, at College sponsored event or programs, at events associated with any organization affiliated with the College either formally or informally, or off-campus.
The Student Community Standards also apply to conduct that takes place at any time from the date that a student is admitted to the College until the student has completed graduation, including during the summers and between semesters. The College retains the right to respond to behavior that occurs in the interim period after classes end for the semester and before graduation.
The Student Community Standards and Conduct Procedures apply to the conduct of both individual students and groups of students (both informal and college-recognized groups). The Student Community Standards also apply to students when they host guests who violate College policies. In these cases, students may be held accountable for the misconduct of their guests.