
Some illnesses and injuries aren’t life-threatening, but they can’t wait for a doctor appointment.
UCHealth’s extensive network of hospital emergency care and freestanding emergency care means life-saving help is always nearby.

Closest Locations

.9 miles from Campus:

UCHealth Emergency Care - Memorial Hospital Central (Hospital-based)
         Phone Number: (719) 365-6820
         Address: 1400 E. Boulder Street Colorado Springs, CO 80909

         Open all day, every day.


4.8 miles from Campus:

UCHealth Emergency Care - Grandview Hospital
         Phone Number: (719) 272-3600
         Address: 5623 Pulpit Peak View Colorado Springs, CO 80918

         Open all day, every day.


5.6 miles from Campus:

UCHealth Emergency Room - Powers (Freestanding)
         Phone Number: (719) 364-7030
         Address: 2770 N. Powers Boulevard Colorado Springs, CO 80922

         Open all day, every day.


Campus Safety Transports

If you need non-emergency transportation Campus Safety Transports is available to provide rides to the UCHealth Emergency Care at Memorial Hospital Central. 

During all times, Campus Safety Officers can transport campus community members, college visitors, and event patrons up to 1.5 miles to and from campus. Wait times for transportation is typically 20 minutes but may be longer depending on current demands.

Campus Safety can be reached at (719) 389-6340, or (719) 389-6707 to request a ride.

Report an issue - Last updated:

Contact Us: Health Clinic

Phone: (719) 389-6384

Fax Number: (719) 364-0981

Hours: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm, Monday - Friday

Location: 212 of the Yalich Student Services Center, Above the Mail Center


Contact Us: Urgent Care

Phone: (719) 365-3200  

Hours: 8:00 am - 8:00 pm, Monday - Friday

           8:00 am - 6:00 pm, Saturday - Sunday

Location: 1035 W. Garden of the Gods Road Suite 120 Colorado Springs, CO 80907