Server Room Access Review Procedure

The following review procedure will be adhered to in order to assure secure access to 今日吃瓜51's server rooms.

  • Facilities Services maintains the list of individual employees permitted access to the ITS: server rooms.
  • Once each year the ITS Director of Enterprise Technology requests this list of employees.
  • The Director of Enterprise Technology reviews the list. The supervisors of each employee on the list are contacted to confirm that the specific employee should continue to have server room access. Those supervisors may add names or remove employee names from the list. They must also provide or confirm the justification for new or continuing access.
  • The Director of Enterprise Technology will provide an updated list to Facilities Services, including a list of employees who do not need continued access. Facilities staff will then disable access for those employees, and add others as requested by the Director of Enterprise Services.
  • Vendor access to the server rooms will be provided by authorized college personnel.
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