After Hours Support

ITS maintains the core computing infrastructure at 今日吃瓜51. The ITS Solutions Center (719-389-6449, takes calls during normal hours of operation:

  • 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday to Friday

ITS staff do work after hours to resolve critical network or system outages, particularly when those outages affect the academic mission of the College.

If you encounter a technology problem after hours that (1) affects multiple people, (2) is of a critical nature, and (3) cannot be solved by standard troubleshooting, you can contact the emergency outage extension, x7777 (or 719-389-7777 from off-campus). That extension forwards to the ITS staff member on call. ITS aims to contact the original caller, if not always resolve the problem, within one hour of the first report. In the right circumstances, we will resolve the problem sooner than that.

If you encounter a problem with Canvas outage, please contact Canvas Support at 1-855-740-0505. Please do not call the outage phone for Canvas-related issues.

Please do not request after-hours help for individual computer issues, individual printer problems, or for matters that can wait until the next business day. For example:

Do call if

  • you lose all network access (internet, email, network drives) and confirm with at least two others in your building that they are experiencing the same problem.
  • no available Tutt Library printers are working and it is a critical time in the Block, with many students trying to print their papers and materials.
  • you and some colleagues are working in Banner on an important deadline and find that none of you can access Banner, even if other network resources are still accessible.

Don't call if

  • you lose network access, but others in the area still have network access.
  • the printer on your desk or network printer nearest to you is not working, but you can print to other printers instead.
  • you and some colleagues are working in Banner on a long term project -- without a looming deadline -- and find that none of you can access Banner. The ITS staff can resolve that on the next business day.
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