Course Evaluations - Student

Students must fill out the all-college course evaluation for classes they take in order to see their grades.

General Info

  • In Banner SSB, go to the "Student" tab. At the bottom of the list choose on "Evaluate your Course" to access all available course evaluations.
  • Students are required to evaluate all full-block courses. At this time adjuncts, half-blocks and extended format courses are not included.
  • Student responses are anonymous - the only information tracked is that a student has completed the evaluation so that grades can be released.
    • As a result, if you accidentally submit a blank or unfinished evaluation, there is no way to go back or start over.
  • Students should use the "save and finish later" button at the bottom of the form to make sure they don't lose information. This will work until the evaluation has been submitted.
  • Grades will show up once all of the following conditions are met. Until then, students will see "GW" (Grade Withheld). Grades usually show up about 10 days after a block ends.
    • The student has submitted the evaluation for that course
    • The professor has submitted grades for that course
    • The Registrar's Office has posted grades for that course


  • If you don't see an evaluation form for the class you attended, see the Registrar's Office to make sure you are officially on the class list for the course.
  • If you encounter an error after clicking submit, try using a different web browser and submitting again. If you still encouter an error, try on a different computer (such as a lab computer).


  • Always "save and finish later" before submitting to be sure you don't lose anything if the submission fails for some reason.
  • Always look carefully at the course information and the instructor name at the top of the evaluation form. If this is not the course you attended, please see the Registrar to complete your course registration.
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