Distribution of Printed Materials and Solicitation

In order to ensure that our campus maintains an environment that does not disrupt students’ learning experience or employees’ ability to perform day-to-day operations, ½ñÈÕ³Ô¹Ï51 has established expectations for distribution of materials and solicitation on our campus.

Responsible office
Responsible party
Vice President for Communications
Last revision
September 2020
Approved by
The Cabinet
Approval date
August 2013
Effective date
October 2020
Last review
September 2020
Additional references
Student Fundraising Policy, Freedom of Expression Policy; Banners, Posters, Fundraising, and Distribution of Materials at ½ñÈÕ³Ô¹Ï51 Campus-Wide Events


All financial and administrative policies involving community members across campus, including volunteers are within the scope of this policy. If there is a variance between departmental expectations and the common approach described through college policy, the college will look to the campus community, including volunteers to support the spirit and the objectives of college policy. Unless specifically mentioned in a college policy, the college’s Board of Trustees are governed by their Bylaws.


Distribution of Printed Materials and Solicitation

In order to ensure that our campus maintains an environment that does not disrupt students’ learning experience or employees’ ability to perform day-to-day operations, ½ñÈÕ³Ô¹Ï51 has established expectations for distribution of materials and solicitation on our campus.


Authorities delegated and retained/administrative responsibility

The president of the college delegates administration of the Distribution of Printed Materials and Solicitation Policy to the vice president for communications.

Distribution of printed materials

Distribution of printed materials, handbills, posters, petitions for signature, or other similar items on campus should be handled as follows:

(a)    Students, faculty, and staff may distribute these materials on campus in accordance with the college’s Student Fundraising and Freedom of Expression policies;

  • Students should also consult the Community Standards on Solicitation, Posting, and On-Campus Fundraising prior to distributing these materials on campus

(b)   Individuals who are not members of our campus community and external groups are prohibited from distributing materials on college property. With prior approval by the college, however, these materials may be left for voluntary pick-up in campus locations identified for that purpose. Worner Information Desk will handle approvals, conferring with the Office of Communications on any questionable materials.


For purposes of this document, “solicitation” means the attempted sale or offer to sell any property, product, or service. It also includes oral or written appeals or requests to support or join an organization.

 (a)    Student groups

Recognized student groups that want to conduct solicitation activities on campus may do so within the expectations of this policy and given that the activities do not:

  • Conflict with college policies or local, state, or federal law;
  • Impede or conflict with the educational purposes of the college;
  • Negatively impact other college activities;
  • Infringe upon the college’s trademark or other intellectual property rights;
  • Disrupt either vehicular or pedestrian traffic;
  • Involve door-to-door solicitation;
  • Consist of commercial activities

Student groups engaged in fundraising are expected to comply with the college’s Student Fundraising Policy.

 (b)   External groups

(i) Commercial sales

The college may allow some external groups limited access to campus for the purpose of commercial sales. These sales normally relate directly to the residential or educational experience of students and the college retains the right to determine which commercial sales are appropriate.

(ii) Charitable organizations

Many nonprofits working for worthy causes would appreciate the opportunity to solicit contributions from students, faculty, and staff. Similar to commercial sales, the college reserves the right to determine the appropriateness of allowing these solicitations. Considerations include:

  • The charitable organization must be a bona fide charity;
  • Contributions must be strictly voluntary;
  • The charitable organization’s purpose must not conflict with the college’s mission;
  • The solicitation by the charitable organization must not conflict with any college policies, local, state, or federal laws.

 (c)    Employees

½ñÈÕ³Ô¹Ï51 encourages staff members to volunteer and to participate in community activities; however, the college does not allow solicitation on behalf of these worthy causes or for personal gain during college business hours.

Campus-wide events 

(a)   Solicitation, sales and fundraising

Solicitation, sales and/or fundraising of any type, other than for ½ñÈÕ³Ô¹Ï51-managed programs, is not permitted during ½ñÈÕ³Ô¹Ï51 campus-wide events.   

 (b)   Distribution of materials

During campus-wide events, a table(s) may be provided in the registration area or other designated location for distribution of approved materials.  Materials from outside organizations cannot be placed anywhere else on campus other than the designated distribution table(s).  Any materials placed at a distribution table must be approved by the Office of Communications.



  1. If students, faculty, staff, or external sources wish to post in public spaces on campus, those materials must first be approved by the appropriate venue manager, or their designee, and the Office of Communications
    1. Approved materials will be so designated from the appropriate venue manager and the Office of Communications
    2. In Worner Campus Center, no more than 2 copies of the material may be posted
    3. The maximum number of materials to be posted in other public spaces will be determined by appropriate venue manager or their designee, depending on the space
    4. Residential spaces may be used to post advertisements for college sponsored events, or recognized student organizations, however, general publications and non-college affiliate postings are prohibited in these spaces
  2. The following information must be included on any posting/advertisements:
    1. Name of person/group/organization/business
    2. Date, time and location of event
    3. Any necessary contact information
  3. Anonymous posting of any kind is prohibited and will be removed immediately
  4. Materials posted in areas not designated for posting will be removed immediately
  5. ½ñÈÕ³Ô¹Ï51 offices, departments, groups, and organizations oversee their designated bulletin boards and/or spaces and may remove unapproved materials.


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