Personnel Records
All financial and administrative policies involving community members across campus, including volunteers are within the scope of this policy. If there is a variance between departmental expectations and the common approach described through college policy, the college will look to the campus community, including volunteers to support the spirit and the objectives of college policy. Unless specifically mentioned in a college policy, the college鈥檚 Board of Trustees are governed by their Bylaws.
The Office of Human Resources maintains employment and benefits records on all employees. Records include both “hard copy” documents and data entered into the Human Resources Information System (HRIS). Employees should contact Human Resources immediately whenever there are changes in home address, telephone numbers, marital status, dependents or insurance beneficiary. Employees may make changes to gender, ethnicity, race and their emergency contacts in self-service Banner. Incorrect information may cause problems concerning pay, benefits, or state and federal taxes.
Employees and former employees may review their employment records during regular business hours once per year and once after termination of employment. Records related to confidential job references, active disciplinary investigations or active regulatory investigations are not available to employees. Employment records are also available to supervisors and to Human Resources staff acting in the normal course of business. Benefits records and medical information are considered confidential and accessible only to the individual employee and human resources staff.
The college may be asked to furnish information regarding an employee’s employment status or income information. The college may verify to a current or former employee’s prospective employer the dates of the individual’s employment with the college, the position(s) held and the department in which the employee was or is employed. Other information, including salary verification, may be released to prospective employers, credit bureaus or financial institutions upon specific authorization by the current or former employee. Information requested by federal or state agencies, including law enforcement agencies, will be released as required by law. Supervisors should refer all reference checks and requests for verification of employment information to Human Resources.
Employees may request access to their personnel file in writing to the Vice President for People and Workplace Culture. Files may only be viewed in the human resources office during regular working hours. Staff may not remove or alter any documents contained within the file but may obtain copies of documents with approval from the Vice President for People and Workplace Culture.
Supervisors may request access to personnel files of their direct reports in writing to the Vice President for People and Workplace Culture. Files may only be viewed in the human resources office during regular working hours. Supervisors may not remove or alter any documents contained within the file but may obtain copies of documents with approval from the Vice President for People and Workplace Culture. Supervisors are not granted access to the medical files of their direct reports.