Murphy Brasuel
Analytical Chemistry
Chemistry & Biochemistry
Research Summary
My research interests are primarily in the field of design, development and analytical application of novel nano-optical sensors. The emerging field of nano-technology coupled with energy efficient, miniaturized detections systems (CCD, Charge Coupled Devices, PMT, Photo-Multiplier tubes) as well as solid state lasers provides the opportunity for multi-disciplinary explorations in chemistry, biology, environmental science, and physics. Though I reserve the right to pursue other interesting analytical problems as the need/opportunity arise
Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications
(* with student co-authors)
Wise*, W., and Brasuel, M., "The current state of engineered nanomaterials in consumer goods and waste streams: the need to develop nanoproperty-quantifiable sensors for monitoring engineered nanomaterials," Nanotechnology, Science and Applications, 2011, 4, 73-86.
Brasuel, M., McCarter*, A. D., and Bower, N., "Forensic Art Analysis Using Novel Reflectance Spectroscopy and Pyrolysis Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry Instrumentation," The Chemical Educator, 2009, 14, 150-154.
Moding*, E., Hellyer*, J., Rank, K., Lostroh, P., and Brasuel, M., "Characterization of PEBBLEs as a Tool for Real-Time Measurement of Dictyostelium discoideum Endosomal pH," Journal of Sensors, 2009, vol. 2009, Article ID 235158.
*Denotes undergraduate researcher
ACS National Meeting
2007, Poster Presentation, "Coumarin 343 PEBBLEs Selectively Monitor Intracellular Magnesium Ion Concentrations Inside Dictyostelium discoideum," Everett J. Moding*, and Murphy Brasuel.
2007, Poster Presentation, "Size Optimization of Estrogen Imprinted Polymers in Non-fluorinated Solvents," Benjamin L Custer*, and Murphy Brasuel.
2007, Poster Presentation, "Dictyostelium discoideum: A Platform for the Screening of Intracellular Nanosensor Performance," Kevin M. Rank*, and Murphy Brasuel.
2008, Poster Presentation, "Application of PEBBLEs as a novel tool for pH and calcium measurement in Dictyostelium discoideum," Jessica A Hellyer*, Everett Moding*, and Murphy G. Brasuel.
2010, Poster Presentation, "Exploration Into an Optical Sensor for Capsaicinoids," Marie Trujillo* and Murphy Brasuel
2011, Poster Presentation, "PEBBLEs as a tool for monitoring intracellular ion flux in Dictyostelium discoideum during bacteria/ cell host/guest interaction," Leah Chibwe*, Henok Yemam*, and Murphy Brasuel
2011 Poster Presentation, "Characterization of sulfur substitution on crown ether ion selectivity," Frederick T Chen*, Murphy Brasuel, and Brandon English
2011 Talk, "Forensic chemistry, archeological chemistry, and art chemistry: Frameworks for innovative analytical chemistry instruction at multiple levels," Murphy G. Brasuel and Nathan Bower
Biennial Conference on Chemical Education (BCCE),
2008, Oral presentation, "Comparison of Art-Chem & Forensic Science for Fostering Critical Thinking in Chemistry," Nate Bower and Murphy Brasuel.
2010, Oral presentation, "Forensic Art Analysis: A Way to Teach Analytical Chemistry Skills at Multiple Levels," Murphy Brasuel and Nate Bower.
Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (FACSS),
2008, Invited Oral presentation, The application of nano-sensors to the real-time monitoring of endosomal ion fluctuation in Dictyostelium discoideum during cAMP stimulation; Murphy Brasuel1, Phoebe Lostroh2, Jessica Hellyer1, Everett Moding1; 1今日吃瓜51 Department of Chemistry, 2今日吃瓜51 Department of Biology
Student Presentations at: The Midstates Consortium for Math and Science Undergraduate Research Symposia,
2005, Poster Presentation, "Optimization of the Synthesis of CdTe Quantum Dots in Non-Coordinating Solvent," Joseph Forrester*, Murphy Brasuel, Nate Bower.
2005, Poster Presentation, "Dictyostelium Discoideum as a Robust Platform for Intracellular Nanosensor Characterization," Kevin Rank*, Murphy Brasuel, and Phoebe Lostroh.
2007, Poster Presentation, "Application of PEBBLEs as a Novel Tool for Calcium Measurement in Dictyostelium discoideum," Jessica Hellyer*, Everett Moding*, Kevin Rank*, Phoebe Lostroh, and Murphy Brasuel.
2007, Poster Presentation, "Statistical Optimization of a Single-Pot Synthesis of CdTe/CdS Core-Shell Quantum Dots," Laura Sherman* and Murphy Brasuel.
2009, Poster Presentation, "pH Selective PEBBLE Nano-Sensors for the Exploration of the Mechanisms of Bacteria/Eukaryotic Cell Interaction," Mengyi Cao*, Leah Chibwe*, Margaux Miller*, Phoebe Lostroh, and Murphy Brasuel.
2010, Poster Presentation, "Optical Spectroscopic Quantification of Capsaicinoid Content in Chili Peppers," Bryce Ingram* and Murphy Brasuel
Pittsburgh Conference (Pittcon),
2008, Poster presentation, "Statistical Optimization of a Single-Pot Synthesis of CdTe/CdS Core Shell Quantum Dots," Laura Sherman*, and Murphy Brasuel.
2010, Poster presentation, "Synthetic Optimization and Characterization of Type I and Type II Core/Shell Cadmium Chalcogenide Quantum Dots for Use in Polymer/Quantum Dot Photovoltaic Energy Production," Spencer Williams* and Murphy Brasuel.
Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society, Pikes Peak Chapter
2004, Invited speaker, "Nano-Optical Sensors from 'Inner Space' to Mountaintop"
2009, Invited speaker, "The Qualitative and Quantitative Determination of the Pungency of Chili"
Innovations in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning at Liberal Arts Colleges, Wabash, 2009.
2009, Poster presentation, "Student-Reported Learning Gains and the Use of Writing Portfolios as a Bridge Between General Chemistry and Forensic Science," Nathan W. Bower and Murphy Brasuel.